Model simulation, comparison between LEM, Non-Linear and FEM analysis, 3D FEM model analysis

This example aims to demonstrate the effortless generation of any deep excavation model using our advanced DeepEX – Shoring design software, encompassing both 2D excavation cut sections and 3D models. Additionally, it illustrates how to analyze these models using various methods, including Limit Equilibrium, Non-Linear Analysis, Finite Element Analysis, and the 3D Finite Elements approach.
In this scenario, we will generate a 2D section and a rectangular 3D model of a 6-meter-deep excavation, supported by secant pile walls and a single bracing level with steel struts. For a comprehensive analysis, two distinct 3D surface loads will be considered, simulating adjacent structures near the excavation perimeter.

Figure: Rectangular excavation model with 3D surface loads in DeepEX
The evaluation of the 2D sections will employ three different approaches:
- The classical Limit Equilibrium method
- The Non-Linear analysis method with elastoplastic Winkler springs
- The 2D Finite Element Analysis approach

Figure: Braced excavation - 2D model & 2D Finite Element analysis results in DeepEX
Additionally, a 3D model will be generated and assessed using the 3D Finite Element Analysis approach. This analysis will present visual representations of calculated shadings for soil, wall, and support stresses, along with displacements.

Figure: Rectangular braced excavation - 3D FEM analysis results in DeepEX
Review our article and video example below and find out how to generate such deep excavation models in seconds, define the analysis settings for each examined approach, compare the analysis results with each and optimize your models in the most efficient way.
Below you can access the example video and pdf, as well as download and run the actual DeepEX file in your device (the DeepEX 3D version with the 3D FEM capabilities should be activated in your pc in order to open and perform 3D FEM analysis). Discover the power of designing 2D and 3D excavation models using diverse approaches, revealing variable results that empower you to identify and overcome challenges effectively. Experience the difference with DeepEX software now. Dive in to effortlessly design your excavation projects, save time, and create secure, optimized designs.
You can review the example video and access the example pdf and software file (DeepEX file) here: