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Arbitrary Shape Excavation - Modeling & 3D FEM Analysis
Model simulation and 3D Finite Element Analysis This example aims to demonstrate the effortless generation of an arbitrary shape...

L-Shape Excavation - Modeling, 2D & 3D FEM Analysis
Model simulation, 2D and 3D Finite Element Analysis This example aims to demonstrate the effortless generation of an L shape excavation...

Rectangular Shape Excavation - LEM, NL, 2D &3D FEM Analysis
Model simulation, comparison between LEM, Non-Linear and FEM analysis, 3D FEM model analysis This example aims to demonstrate the...

Slope Stability Example - Simple Slope with Pore Pressures
Slope Stability Example with Pore Pressures The soil parameters of this problem, the external loadings and the piezometric surface are...

Slope Stability Analysis Verification - Non-Homogeneous Soil
Non-homogeneous Stratigraphy - Slope Stability Analysis This example presents a slope stability analyis for a slope with non-homogeneous...

Slope Stability Analysis Example - Simple Slope with Tension Crack
Simple Slope Example with Tension Crack In this example, a tension crack zone is added. A suitable tension crack depth D is required and...

Slope Stability Analysis Verification - Simple Slope
Simple Slope Example (no pore pressures considered) This example presents the simple case of a total stress analysis without considering...

Deadman Sheet Pile Wall Design Example (SI Units)
Deadman Sheet Pile Wall Supporting a 7m Excavation In this example we will design a dead man sheet pile wall, supporting a 7 m...

Deadman Sheet Pile Wall Design Example
Deadman Sheet Pile Wall Supporting a 23ft Excavation In this example we will design a dead man sheet pile wall system, supporting a 23 ft...

Secant Pile Wall - Circular Shaft Design Example
Circular Shaft - Secant Piles - 20ft Excavation In this example we will design a secant piles circular shaft, supporting a 20ft...

Diaphragm (Slurry) Wall - Top/Down Excavation Design Example (SI)
Top/Down Model: Diaphragm Walls with Slabs Supporting a 6.5m Excavation In this example we will design a 6.5m top down excavation between...

Diaphragm (Slurry) Wall - Top/Down Excavation Design Example
Top/Down Model - Diaphragm Walls with Slabs Supporting a 22ft Excavation In this example we will design a top-down 22ft excavation - two...

Braced Soldier Pile and Tremied Concrete Wall Design Example (SI Units)
SPTC Walls with Struts Supporting a 10m Excavation In this example we will design two soldier pile and tremied concrete walls (0.6m thick...

Braced Soldier Pile and Tremied Concrete Wall Design Example
SPTC Walls with Struts Supporting a 32ft Excavation In this example we will design two soldier pile and tremied concrete walls (2ft Wide...

Tangent Pile Wall - Braced Excavation Design Example (SI Units)
Tangent Pile Wall with Rakers Supporting a 6.1m Excavation In this example we will design a 6.1m excavation, supported by a reinforced...

Tangent Pile Wall - Braced Excavation Design Example
Tangent Pile Wall with Rakers Supporting a 20ft Excavation In this example we will design a 20 ft supported by a reinforced concrete...

Soldier Pile Wall - Anchored Excavation Design Example
Soldier Pile Wall with Tiebacks Supporting a 40ft Excavation In this example we will design an anchored soldier pile and lagging wall...

Secant Pile Wall - Excavation with Tiebacks Design Example (SI Units)
Secant Pile Wall with Tiebacks Supporting a 12m Excavation In this example we will design an anchored secant pile wall (0.23m Secant...

Secant Pile Wall - Anchored Excavation Design Example
Secant Pile Wall with Tiebacks Supporting a 40ft Excavation In this example we will design an anchored secant pile wall (1.7ft Secant...

Sheet Pile Wall - Cantilever Excavation Design Example (SI)
A Cantilever Sheet Pile Wall Supporting a 3.5m Excavation This example presents the full design of a sheet pile wall, supporting a 3.5m...
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