Plain Concrete - Soil Mix Walls in DeepEX
Plain concrete and soil mix pile walls can be designed with DeepEX software in the most efficient way. In DeepEX, we can design and optimize soil mix piles in 3 simple steps:
1. Define our piles type, structural section and material properties.
2. Create our model in minutes in the software graphical interface, or using the powerfull model wizard (all construction stages).
3. Run the analysis, review the results in each stage and optimize the model (manually or with the use of the DeepEX autimatic optimization tools).
The following paragraphs present how we can follow these steps within the software and achieve an efficient model optimization in minutes.
Figure: A Soil Mix Secant Pile Wall Section in DeepEX Software
Step 1: Define the Piles Type and Sections
Selecting the Piles Type
At any time, we can access and edit the structural section of our walls on the model area, or through the related tab of the model wizard. There, we can select our piles type from the available wall types drop-down menu. Plain concrete and soil mix piles can be used for soldier pile walls, secant pile walls and tangent piles.
Defining the Soil Mix Piles Section
Soil mix piles are defined within the software as unreinforced concrete piles. The user can define the pile diameter, the pile spacing (depending on the selected wall section type), as well as, edit the material properties in our concrete materials database. Once edited to simulate the soil mix, the concrete material can be assigned to the selected wall section.
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Step 2: Create the Model (All Construction Stages)
In DeepEX we can graphically add construction stages and draw the model on the model area stage by stage, or use the model wizard to create a model with all construction stages in seconds. Either way, we need to create a detailed staging, starting from at rest conditions in an initial stage, and then step by step generate new stages with each excabation and support installation level. DeepEX will analyze and present results for each stage, allowing us to review the full model construction process, identify the most critical stage and optimize our structural sections and support locations in the most efficient way.
Figure: Soil Mix Circular Shart - Construction Stages in DeepEX Software
Step 3: Review the Results and Optimize the Model
DeepEX can analyze any deep excavation model with several implemented analysis methods (classical Limit Equilibrium, Non-Linear Analysis with elastoplastic springs and Finite Element Analysis). After the analysis is completed, DeepEX software presents all calculation results in tables and in graphs on the model area for each construction stage. We can review all calculated stresses, moment and shear diagrams along with the structural capacities, the support and wall check structural ratios, the wall embedment safety factors and more. This way, we can have a great overview of all structural items designed by the program for each stage, and take important decisions for the efficient model optimization.
We can optimize any model fast either manually by accessing all wall and supports on the model area and edit the structural sections and support locations fast through user friendly dialogs, or use the software automatic optimization tools that can fast check and give us a variety of section solutions for all structural items on the examined model.
Cantilever Soil Mix Wall Design Example