Helical Pile Sections and Helix Configurations in DeepFND and HelixPile Software
The following article and video present the available helical pile section types in our foundation pile programs DeepFND and HelixPile, as well as, the procedures to define the section properties and generate multiple helix configurations for each pile. The created pile sections with all generated helix configurations can be saved in the user's device and loaded within any software file,
Both software (DeepFND and HelixPile) can design any common helical pile shape (pipes, square solid and square hollow sections). We can apply the section shape and define the section parameters (section dimensions, material properties, torsional capacities, mechanical strength and more).
On each pile section, we can fast generate and save several helix configurations, by defining the number of helixes, the helix plate diameter and thickness, and the plate spacing. All the generated helix configurations are saved on a local database, unique for each generated pile. At any point, we can access and assign one of the generated helix configurations to the pile.
An external casing can be applied on any helical pile, in order to increase the lateral pile capacity. We need to define the casing section and the length from the pile top, where the casing is placed.
Finally, any pile in DeepFND and HelixPile can be grouted. For grouted piles, we need to define the grout diameter, and the part of the pile which is grouted.

Training Video: