A Guide to Advanced Soil Models and Analysis
1. Introduction
Understanding and modeling soil behavior is fundamental to geotechnical engineering and design. DeepEX software stands out as a powerful tool, offering a comprehensive suite of advanced constitutive soil models that enable engineers to accurately simulate the complex interactions between soils and structures.
These soil models incorporate sophisticated features such as stress-dependent stiffness, strain-hardening, and more, allowing for realistic representation of soil and rock behaviors. By leveraging these capabilities, users can achieve enhanced precision in both 2D and 3D finite element analyses within DeepEX. This article delves into the diverse soil models available in DeepEX and highlights how they contribute to reliable geotechnical design and analysis.

Figure: Braced Excavation model: 2D FEM (up) and 3D FEM (down) analysis in DeepEX
2. Constitutive Laws – Soil Models in DeepEX
A. Mohr-Coulomb Model: The Mohr-Coulomb model simulates pre-failure behavior elastically, with failure defined using a Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion based on friction angle and cohesion. However, this model has several limitations:
Unrealistic displacement under unloading conditions.
Overestimation and underestimation of stiffness near failure and at small strains, respectively.
Inability to capture nonlinear stiffness stress dependency.

B. Modified Mohr-Coulomb Model: Building on the Mohr-Coulomb model, this variation retains the same yield criterion for simulating failure but introduces nonlinear stiffness stress dependency, offering more accurate pre-failure behavior representation.

C. Soil Hardening Model: This model also uses the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion for failure simulation. However, pre-failure behavior is enhanced by incorporating two additional yield surfaces:
Shear Hardening Mechanism: Accounts for changes in soil strength due to plastic shear strains.
Volumetric Hardening Mechanism: Simulates soil compaction under loading.
Unloading and reloading are modeled using the material's elastic properties, making it suitable for more complex soil behaviors.

D. Small-Strain Soil Hardening Model: This model builds upon the Soil Hardening formulation by adding an overlay that addresses higher stiffness at very small strains. It also captures hysteresis behavior during cyclic loading, making it ideal for applications where precise low-strain behavior is critical.

E. Hoek-Brown Rock Model: Designed specifically for rock masses, the Hoek-Brown model accounts for their nonlinear failure behavior. Derived from empirical strength criteria based on triaxial testing, it incorporates parameters like:
Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock.
Geological Strength Index (GSI) for rock mass quality.
Disturbance factors to represent structural conditions and rock mass integrity.

3. Conclusion
Incorporating advanced constitutive soil models into DeepEX enables engineers to simulate soil and rock behavior with remarkable accuracy, addressing challenges in geotechnical design and analysis. By selecting the appropriate model—whether for stress-dependency, strain-hardening, or nonlinear behavior—users can enhance the reliability of their finite element analysis and make more informed design decisions. DeepEX stands as a versatile and essential tool for modern geotechnical engineering applications.
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