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✓ Avoid  design mistakes - Design MSE walls in the most efficient way
✓ Learn how to save up to 90% of your project design time
✓ Achieve excellence with complete geostructural design

Design Embankments and MSE Walls with DeepEX

 ✓ Design Embankments with Soil Reinforcements and Stone Columns

✓ Design MSE Walls and Abutments

Include Soil Reinforcements - Geogrids, Geotextiles, Steel Strips

Perform MSE bearing and sliding checks

Perform Slope Stability Analysis on the MSE System

✓ Perform MSE automatic reinforcement optimization

DeepEX provides a comprehensive suite of tools and functionalities to streamline the design process for embankments and MSE walls. Its user-friendly interface, extensive analysis capabilities, and optimization features ensure that you can effectively design and optimize your projects.